All of the children are having their exercise outside and enjoying the snow today! Some of our children have never seen snow before. Have fun everyone and stay safe!

If you have pictures from home, please send them in to me, via Evidence Me. Here is Harper, Oscar, Paisley and Bailey in the snow at home! Brrrrrrr!




In the Foundation 1 setting the children have been mixing brown, using red, blue and yellow, to paint their bears independently.

They have been extending their learning to real bears, playing with the Polar bears in the snowy, small world area.

The children can independently use technology, by accessing the interactive white board to draw their bears.

We have been investigating how we can tell if a bear is old or new, as if we were detectives.

Plus making masks in order to pretend to be bears! Grrrrrrrrrrr!

If you go down in the woods today………

Here is what Mrs Melady has made the classroom look like, to inspire you. The children have displayed their bear paintings. Yours at home may be on the fridge? Don’t they look wonderful? The  children have all enjoyed mixing brown with red, yellow and blue to paint their bears.


I hope that Monday’s learning finds you all well?

Hello children! Here is some exciting learning to try today. Please send your learning to me, via ‘Evidence Me’ and I will put it on the blog to inspire others!

If your child is not attending the Foundation 1 setting tomorrow, please allow them to attend the story time at 2pm. I will have sent you a link. Thank you to all those who have replied already.