Shoutout to Dolly who ate all of her dinner today! Dolly didnāt think she would like the fish but tried it and enjoyed every last mouthful. Well done Dolly.
Miss Wood

Shoutout to Dolly who ate all of her dinner today! Dolly didnāt think she would like the fish but tried it and enjoyed every last mouthful. Well done Dolly.
Miss Wood
Today in our expedition learning we iced some biscuits. Some children had a go at using the chocolate and sprinkles to write a number on their biscuit to celebrate number day.
Miss Wood
We have had lots of fun for number day today and loved dressing up. We have been bubble blow painting, painting numberblocks, doing number treasure hunts and colour by numbers.
Miss Wood
Mrs Price
Well done to Rachel who got our yellow T-shirt today. Rachel always gives 100% in her work and is kind and helpful to her friends.
Miss Wood
Well done to Chase and Corben who did some amazing phonics work yesterday, earning themselves a postcard. Keep up the hard work boys.
Miss Wood
Following our walk around a Intake last week, the children have done some amazing paintings. We painted detached houses, semi detached, terrace, bungalows and the flats.
shoutout to Nevaeh who went one step further and decided to paint the Intake park, our school and the hospital, that can be seen from Intake.
Miss Wood
Well to to Ianis who has moved up 4 reading bands! WOW! Ianis has really impressed me this week in mastering how to blend and his perseverance when trying to segment words to write. Ianis was really proud of himself and we are proud of him too, well done Ianis!
Miss Wood
We went for a walk in the local area today to look at the buildings. We found detached, semi-detached and terrace houses. There were also bungalows, flats, schools, shops, a library and a church. We spotted garages and solar panels. We will be using what we found out over the next few days.
Mrs Price and Miss Wood
Today we learnt how to use tools safety. We had a go at sawing wood and hammering nails. We made sure that we put on our safety goggles first, kept our fingers away and that we secured our wood using the bench hook.
Miss Wood