Please see above for all the details!
-Miss Blackham
Please see above for all the details!
-Miss Blackham
Thank you to all the children in Intake and Wheatley who have attended our community clubs (Dance, Scootering, Problem Solving games, Girls Football, Scotty’s Heroes) over the past 5 months.
Fingers crossed we’ll be able to get these back up and running in the near future!
Nice to see children within the Intake/Wheatley community accessing our 4.30-5.30pm – Girls football, Scootering and Scottys Heroes community clubs!
Nice bit of team building, problem solving and DEN building it tonight’s clubs. Reminder our community clubs are open to all children, friends and families 4.30pm-5.30pm.
Congratulations to 1/2K and Miss Ketteringham, for being the most active class last term during their learning.
Congratulations to our Y3/4 dodgeball champions!
Well done to our Y5/6 dodgeballers and Y5/6 girls for being football superstars!
Congratulations to our Children’s University certificate winners too!
Hi all, these children are taking part in the Dodgeball Tournament tomorrow after school at Plover 3.30pm-4.30pm. Please can these children wear comfortable trainers and PE shorts – Plover will provide a sports top:
Ara R, Cameron B, Syler Rose E, Eifa W, Ella B, Johnny C, Tommy Lee C, Taliah D, Jasmine Marsh, Scarlett C, Darwin A, Sumit T, Eden Z, Tommy B, Henry R, Lily-Grace G.
We will be competing against Mount Carmel and Park Primary.
Children will be dismissed from the main reception.
Any questions please ask Mr Meade
Fantastic to see girls within the Intake community enjoying their football sessions and numbers increasing each week!
Awesome to see children from schools around Intake at our community Problem Solving session with Miss Holdridge.
Great to see children from Plover, Sandringham and Mount Carmel at our community dance session with Mrs and Miss Reeves.