Thank you Miss Alice and Miss Kate for your superb dances classes the children in our community have loved them! #LovePlover
Category : After School Activities
Easter Holiday Sports Camp Booking Form

Please click the link below to register for the Easter Sports camp, which is happening at Plover Primary School on Monday 31st March til Thursday 3rd April 9am-1pm.
Y2 Dodgeball Crew
Well done to the 9 Y2 children who took part in this afternoons Dodgeball tournament at Armthorpe Academy! Lots of energetic and enthusiasm shown by all! #LovePlover

Y4 Tag Rugby Stars
What a fantastic afternoon these 9 tag rugby superstars had yesterday. Learning new skills, being competitive and showing positive attitudes throughout the competition. Shout out to Elian who despite a little travel sickness showed great resilience to take part! #LovePlover

Inspired Footballer Milana
It is great to see lots of girls at Plover School getting active and taking part in football sessions. A huge shout out to Milana in Y1 who has joined a local grass roots football team! #LovePlover
OSF Community Football
We had a mini champions league tournament last night. It was a close one… but BLUE PSG prevailed! #LovePlover
OSF Community Dance Club
OSF Community Karate Clubs
The children continued to developed their discipline, fitness and learnt some techniques for self-defence! #LovePlover
Y5 Tag Rugby Comp
We are so proud of these Y5 tag rugby players who for many took part in their first sporting competition. They came back off the coach buzzing about their experience and we were so proud of their efforts! Well done Ellis for his special recognition award. #LovePlover