Thank you to our Year 6 parents who attended our reading workshop last night!

Please encourage your child to access our revision sites. It is so important they are accessing these sites as they will support them in SATs preparation.




Please also encourage your children to read at home. For every quiz they pass on accelerated reader, they will get a ticket to go into our prize draw for the tepee sleepover voucher!

Thank you for your continued support!

-Miss Blackham


So proud of Dylan 💙

Dylan ALWAYS works hard, gets smart and is kind but today he pushed himself even further with his awesome home learning!I was super impressed with his maths work!

Keep leading your own learning Dylan!

-Miss Blackham


Place Value

Year 6 have made a great start to their place value unit, using counters and place value charts to help them read and understand numbers up to a million! #LovePlover

Cadbury World Fieldwork

Year 6 had a great time at Cadbury World! We learned so much about the history of chocolate, where the beans are sourced from, the design process and much more! We are looking forward to building on this as we move further into our expedition! #LovePlover

6SB have really enjoyed their field work to Cadbury’s world 🍫🦋

6SB loved their fieldwork experience today. They built on prior knowledge from the chocolate expedition they engaged in when they were in Y3/4. They learnt lots about the rainforest and they also enjoyed lots of free chocolate. They have worked as geographers, historians and designers! We have asked the children to reflect on how this fieldwork will contribute to them answering the guiding question. You may want to quiz them on this when they get home!

-Miss Blackham
