More informative home-learning! 💙

A shout out to the lovely Caziyah who produced some very informative gone-learning! Well done superstar!

-Miss Blackham


Year 6’s suggested revision timetable!

Thirty minutes 
Maths pledge revision based on personal academic pledge Our maths revision site 
Thirty minutes 
Reading pledge revision based on personal academic pledge Our reading revision site 
Thirty minutes 
Arithmetic test practise 
Thirty minutes 
SPaG pledge based on personal academic pledge Our SPaG revision site  
Thirty minutes 
Spelling practise 
Year 3 & 4 spelling list 
Year 5 & 6 spelling list 
Please encourage your children to use the suggested revision timetable to support them with their learning at home. We have uploaded lots of new resources and videos onto the revision sites so please do utilise the fab resources on there as they will really support your child’s learning.

If you ever have any questions, please pop me an email- [email protected]

-Miss Blackham


Super coaching in maths during flex!

After analysing today’s arithmetic scores, these two got to work on their areas for development. They are determined to achieve 40/40. Another fantastic example of leading their own learning!

-Miss Blackham


6R Active maths

We have been multi tasking in maths this week keeping fit whilst learning our times tables.

Year 6 assessment week

Year 6 will be replicating SATs week next week as part of their autumn assessments. Children are encouraged to join us for early bird revision club at 8:15am every morning. We have added more revision resources to our revision sites so please do check them out.

On Friday the 1st December, class teachers will communicate your child’s scores with you and your child and talk about their next steps and offer suggested revision resources. If you do have any questions on how to further support your children at home, please don’t hesitate to contact me- [email protected]

Thank you for your continued support!

-Miss Blackham


6T Library Visit

I had such a wonderful time taking 6T to the library today. They loved exploring the range of books the library had to offer, and listened beautifully to our class story being read at the end. I can’t wait for our next visit! #LovePlover