Early bird revision sessions 8:15-8:40 Mon-Thurs💙

I am so proud of Year 6. 41 of them have been attending early bird sessions since we relaunched last week. The amount of work that has come into school and that I have been emailed has completely covered my home learning display (and the entire wall) and I am so impressed at the high quality. We are so determined to smash our SATs!

My phase challenge is to see ALL of Year 6 in sessions at least twice a week! We can do it!

-Miss Blackham


Courageous coaching in 6B!

On Thursday, 6B began dividing fractions by integers. At first they found it tricky but they grappled with it and then worked in groups to coach and support one another. 6B have absolutely smashed their pledge this week and they are super confident with fractions. Well done superstars!

-Miss Blackham


6R have had a very productive learning week this week.

We have had plenty to write about after our fieldwork last week. 6R have done some great pieces writing about the history of Doncaster. We have continued to learn fractions in maths. Enjoy the four days rest 6R

Analysing our data in academic crew!

Today in crew, we noticed our attendance has improved and we are currently above national average. Our HoWLs average is 3.1 and we have finally come top of the phase in our Accelerated reader challenge! Impressive data!

Our crew wonder was how can we improve our arithmetic average. We discussed our ideas in pairs and then shared our pledges on post it notes!
We are determined to beat our scores next week!

-Miss Blackham


Doncaster Experts

The children in 6T have worked really hard, collating facts learned during their fieldwork visit, as well as in lessons this week, to write up what they know about Doncaster. I am really looking forward to seeing them organise this as a non-chronological report later in our writing cycle. #LovePlover

Get ahead in your learning!

Year 6, this short clip will support you in getting ahead in your learning! Please have a go and any home learning you complete, please bring into school so you can receive your raffle ticket 😊

-Miss Blackham


Year 6 children are feature hunting!

Year 6 children have been feature finding this morning! We made our own checklist as a reminder to help us with our short writing opportunity tomorrow!
-Miss Blackham


We care Wednesday!

As part of our RSHE curriculum in ‘We care Wednesday’ Crew Blackham have been looking at how to keep their bodies and minds healthy. We discussed why it was important and made anchor charts to display as a reminder of how we can ensure we are doing so!

-Miss Blackham


More awesome home learning!

Well done to these superstars who have produced amazing, high-quality home learning! So proud!

-Miss Blackham


Reading for pleasure with 5L!

6B were joined by 5L in our ‘Time to read Tuesday’ session. The children shared their favourite book with a partner and they discussed why it was their favourite book. We then added any new author names we had discovered to our author list ready to explore further!

-Miss Blackham
