Leading our own learning in 6B!

These superstars are all over their personal gap analysis. They have been working on their maths targets in flex today. A perfect example of ‘4’ in getting smart! We are going to smash our SATs!

-Miss Blackham


So proud of these superstars! 💙

After finding out their maths scores last week, these superstars led their own learning by completing extra work at home on their areas of development! We are so proud of them all! 10 crew coins each!

-Miss Blackham


Red Nose Day Friday 15th March

Red Nose Day is back and this year we are asking children to wear something red.

Donations are to be paid in using the Parent Pay app please. Follow the link here: https://app.parentpay.com/ParentPayShop/Foc/Default.aspx?shopid=14430

Thanks in advance for your support of this fantastic cause.

Mrs Graves


World Book Day

Year 6 had a lovely morning exploring the beautiful text, ‘The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore’. We had a wonderful discussion about the powerful illustrations, before watching the Oscar winning adaptation. The children spoke beautifully of the symbolism in the film and I was incredibly proud of them #LovePlover

6B enjoyed World Book day!

We had lots of awesome costumes today in 6B and we enjoyed all the book related activities! So proud of my lovely class for smashing assessment week ⭐️

Enjoy your long weekend!

-Miss Blackham


Year 6 parent drop in-12th-15th March 3:15-3:45

All of our Year 6 parents are encouraged to drop in to see their child’s class teacher next week to discuss their assessment scores. If you cannot make these times, please email myself [email protected] to either arrange another time or for a phone call.
We will be able to share your child’s next steps so you can further support them at home on the run up to SATs.

Thank you so much for your continued support!

-Miss Blackham


Maths superstars!

These two were desperate to share with me the awesome maths work they’ve been doing with Miss Garnham!

-Miss Blackham
