Well done to our pride of plover winners for year 5 and 6 this week, keep working hard, getting smart and being kind!
Category : P25
Staying active
6L were really pleased to receive their February badges for walking to school, well done 6L at keeping active and looking after the environment.

More awesome home learning in Year 6!
These superstars consolidated their maths learning yesterday and completed the extended study activity! Keep it up you superstars! 1 crew coin for getting smart!
-Miss Blackham
So proud of this superstar! ⭐️

Talliah has produced an amazing anchor chart on the back of her academic pledge this week. She was determined to smash adding and subtracting decimals and so this anchor chart will really support her during her revision!
Well done you superstar! 10 crew coins for beautiful work!
-Miss Blackham
We are scientists
We conducted a science experiment to see how light travels. We all made predictions and a lot of us thought that the light would bounce around.
Amazing home learning!

So proud of these superstars who went home last night and consolidated their maths learning! They are absolutely smashing it right now! They are the first children to receive 10 crew coins and they will be able to use these crew coins to spend at our school shop at the end of the term- how exciting!
-Miss Blackham
So proud of this lovely lot for coming to boosters!

I am so proud of all these children who attended boosters again this morning. We had a fabulous pre-teach session where we looked at adding and subtracting decimals.
Please keep it up and keep attending- I can almost smell your prize of a McDonald’s breakfast! 🙂
-Miss Blackham
Year 6 half term revision challenge!

For every three pages of revision Year 6 pupils complete in their CPG books, children will receive a raffle ticket. If they receive five raffle tickets they will win an Easter egg on return to school.
Your child’s class teacher will sign-post the children to complete pages that are relevant to their areas of development.
We are so proud of how hard our Year 6’s are working and their determination to extend their learning at home!
-Miss Blackham
Safer Internet Day
Today is safer Internet day and in year 6 we have been learning about scams and how to spot a scam online.
We looked at different scenarios and decided whether we thought they were scams or not and why. We then looked at phishing and how to spot whether something is phishing for information. Finally, we looked at a profile and decided whether the profile was secure and what they could do to make it safer.