A selection of children who had smashed their fractions learning worked as coaches to help other children with the ‘wonders’ on their work.
Well done to everyone for working hard to improve your work and to the kindness shown by our coaches!
A selection of children who had smashed their fractions learning worked as coaches to help other children with the ‘wonders’ on their work.
Well done to everyone for working hard to improve your work and to the kindness shown by our coaches!
Yesterday, yellow crews enjoyed a belated reward for their efforts during the summer term (you may recall we postponed it due to bad weather), in the form of a disco! The children had a great time and should be proud of how hard they worked at their HoWLs during the summer term to earn this reward.
It was also lovely to note that all three crews received an award for coming top of crew coins for the terms of last year. ☺️
Over the past few expedition lessons, 5S have been demonstrating their knowledge of mechanisms by producing a cam toy which causes a planet to rotate.
They had to carefully build a box which symbolised the blackness of space, paint a ball to a planet of their choice, then assemble an intricate cam and follower mechanism inside which converts the motion into a rotation of the planet.
Well done, the finished products look brilliant!
Today, Years 5 and 6 welcomed a visitor who helped us to consider the true meaning of Christmas, encouraging children to be thoughtful about the important things during the festive period.
Well done for your amazing engagement and to those who shared their thoughts and opinions – it was really encouraging to hear your ideas.
5S have enjoyed their focus on netball over the past few weeks, working on the skills required to win the game. Today, they worked on developing decision making, passing and receiving skills, and explored the importance of communication.
It was great to see the full class in attendance and participating fully, well done!