Sports Day

The Y2 children waited patiently all morning for their Sports Day to begin. They had lots of fun and showed some excellent sportsmanship. We enjoyed javelin throwing, target practise, bean bag throwing and doing the speed bounce before we did our track races. The children enjoyed competing in the egg and spoon race, the sack race, the hurdles and the sprint race.

There were certainly some future athletics stars on the field today. We’d like to give all the children a big shout out for their effort and enthusiasm. We are very proud of you all!

Year 2 Crew


Litter Pick

Year 2 had such a great time today, litter picking in our community. The children were so enthusiastic and determined to pick up as much litter as they could. We were shocked at how much litter we found and we all felt very proud for helping our community.

We would like to thank Andy and Mick from the council who came to help us and brought the bags and pickers! We hope our community is happy with our efforts.

#Love Plover

Colour run!

We have had a busy day exploring the impact of litter in our community and how we can still be Crew even when we leave the school gates. We discussed how learning to live in our community and helping to look after it will make it better for everyone.

By the afternoon, the moment we had all been waiting for had finally arrived and the colour run took place. We had a few nervous children but that soon changed and everyone embraced the event and were slowly turned into mini rainbows! Thank you all so much for contributing towards the event. The money raised will pay for a Christmas treat for everyone!


Colour Fun Run info

Hi Plover Crew

Just a reminder Y1,2,3,5,6 children to come in old PE kit/ old light clothes tomorrow and bring £2.50 fundraising money.

Unfortunately, parents/careers can’t take part in this years colour run event!

Children will be dismissed at 3.15pm from the school field… parents/carers could therefore catch the end whilst waiting on Coniston Road for school gates to open at 3.10pm.

Thank you for your cooperation 😄🎨

Year 2 Entrance and Exit to School

It has been lovely to see everyone today and to have such a wonderful day!

To make things easier at the beginning and end of the day we would like to make the following changes to our routines.

Mrs Lewis’ class (2L) will enter and exit the building through the side door on the map.

Welcome Back!

What a busy first day we’ve had! Children have worked on developing their teamwork skills and we’ve been busy sewing hearts for the NHS. It was lovely having the children back in class and finding out about their Summer holidays.

Tomorrow is the Colour Run, don’t forget to come in clothes you don’t mind getting spoilt.

Mrs Lewis and Mr Pickering