Y1 Faith Day

Today we learned about the religion of Buddhism! We sequenced the story of Buddha. Then used words to describe the calming influence of Buddha. Did some meditation and completed a Kahoot quiz. #LovePlover

When we grow up! The new 2L

What a busy two days we’ve had in 2L! We’ve been thinking about positive and negative changes and how we’re all special and unique. The children enjoyed getting to know their new surroundings, new adults and new children in class. We’ve been so busy thinking about our aspirations for the future and we were lucky to have some visitors come and tell us about their exciting careers.

I can’t wait for our Y2 adventure to begin in August!

Mrs Lewis


A taste of the new 2P.

It has been great getting to meet the new 2P for next year. We have enjoyed 2 days together where we have explored whether change is a positive or negative thing. It was decided that it could sometimes be both. One child said that change, ‘Was a chance to challenge ourselves to be better’. We shared what made us special and created special stars to show the class. During our active learning, we played a game where we had to focus, listen and watch our classmates. We copied the actions that they were doing to show we were giving them our attention.

Today we explored our aspirations for the future. We shared examples of the jobs we could do when we grew up and enjoyed two expert visitors who taught us all about jobs on cruise ships and in the army. We then created a poster to share what we wanted to be when we grew up. I can’t wait to get the new class back together again in August.


Plover’s Sports for Champions 2024 – Jason Cunningham

A huge thank you to former international boxing champion Jason Cunningham of Doncaster! Inspiring the next generation and putting all the Plover sporting champions through their paces.

Thank you to all families who raised money for our Plover Sports for Champions campaign! A big congratulations to the winning fundraisers Ruby-Ann, Karlie-Rose and Noah. Enjoy your active prizes!

We raised an incredible Ā£875.19! #LovePlover

Getting fit with Jason Cunningham

This morning we have been getting fit with Jason Cunningham. We had lots of fun and learned some new boxing techniques.

Thank you Jason from everyone in 1/2K!


In 1/2K we are becoming really fantastic artists. We have been practicing and practicing our line art. We have drafted this piece 5 times, learning more skills as we go along! Yesterday we completed our final pieces by using the different shading techniques before we began our drafts. We are really proud to share with you some of the children’s work!

Time to Vote

I’ve just completed my vote for the general election… but more importantly 1M have cast their votes for the ‘Plover Pupil Election’. The children respected and loved the authenticity of the polling station, to vote for their Pupil Leadership candidate! Tune in to Plover Blogs for the Election results… other media coverages are also available. #LovePlover

KS1 Celebration of Learning

A huge well done to all of the 1M children for presenting your work and speaking so confidently about your expedition this term. Thank you to all the grown ups for your cooperation and for working hard on your BSL skills. The children were great little BSL experts! We canā€™t wait to keep adding to our BSL scheme of work, as part of our lasting legacy final product. #LovePlover