Pride of Plover

Well done to our KS1 winners this week. It was lovely to hear how you have grown in confidence and how independent you are all becoming. We were blown away by Rishaa’s beautiful writing, Kuba’s lovely reading, Boromir’s brilliant attitude to learning and Kaya’s growing confidence. Well done to every one of our winners this week.


Family Learning

Thank you to all of the grown-ups that were able to attend our family learning event yesterday. We began working on part of our final product for this expedition. Year 2 began to carefully weave their own bracelets, which will be used to hold their shrinky-dink ‘charms’ as we progress through the expedition. The children have to earn the charms that they have made by preparing and sampling different food. I wonder how many they will get?


Keep Growing!

2P have been learning about what a plant needs to grow and stay healthy. We then used this to plant some beans and we will keep looking after them to give them what they need. We also started an experiment where we planted some cress seeds. Two pots will have light and warmth but only one will get water. The other two pots will be kept dark and cool and only one will get water. We can’t wait to see what happens!


KS1 Basketball Comp

Well done to our children who represented Plover at a KS1 Basketball tournament this afternoon at XP. The children learned skills and showed great sportsmanship throughout! #LovePlover

Rock Steady!

KS1 were visited by Tim from RockSteady today. He showed us all of the exciting instruments we can learn if we sign up to some music lessons. We drummed along, sang and played our air guitars! We had a great time and even made our own band by the end of the session. We had great fun and we’re really keen to start learning instruments. You never know, we could be having our own performances by the end of the year! Please check out the letter for details!


Road Safety in KS1

Last week in KS1 the children enjoyed finding out all about keeping safe on the road. We were joined by Charlotte and Muffin the cat and learned all about how to walk safely near the road and how to safely cross the road using crossings. The children all enjoyed singing along and Stop, Look, Listen and cross in a straight line.

Thank you for coming to visit us, we loved it!

Farm in a box!

2P explored where lots of our food comes from through our ‘Farm in a box’. We looked at a wheat farmer and how they grow our wheat. After, we saw the journey our wheat makes to become flour and eventually our food. We looked at wheat plants and grain and even crushed some to see the flour inside! Our favourite part was matching animal poo to the correct animal because farmers see this as ‘black gold’.



In Year 2 this week we have been learning about the properties of 2D and 3D shapes. We have been using the words sides and vertices when we have been describing shapes and we also practiced making and drawing 2D shapes using a Geoboard.

Can you name the shapes we made?

Mrs Lewis


Bushtucker trial!

As part of our hook week, 2P tried a variety of different fruits and vegetables. We described if the food was sour, sweet, bitter or strong. We tried some food that we hadn’t tried before and it certainly made us pull some strange faces!
