Instructions: Bee Hotel 🐝

As part of our new writing unit, we are learning to write instructions. Today, we practiced following some instructions on how to make a bee hotel. First we collected some sticks to create the middle section. Then we made our bed hotels in mini crews before heading outside to put them in our eco-garden.

KS1 Celebration of Learning

We are so excited to invite our parents and carers to our celebration of learning based on our guiding question, “How will what I do today impact tomorrow”. The COL will take place on the 27th March 2024 at 2pm.

We will share some of our learning throughout this term and we will be officially opening our new mini Eco-Garden and dedicating our fruit trees to some of our community heroes. We would love you to join in the celebration with our special guest, the Rt Hon. Dame Rosie Winterton M.P.

The Deep Trip

Thank you so much for helping us to be in a position to confirm the trip can go ahead.

Please can we ask that all consents and lunch orders are placed with class teachers by Monday at the latest.

Parent pay will remain open for any outstanding payments.

Thank you once again for your support.

KS1 Team.

Caring Crew❤️

As part of our Crew Curriculum this term we have been discussing Mental Wellbeing and the importance of being mentally healthy as well as physically healthy.
Some of the strategies we talked about this morning to help our wellbeing included practicing gratitude, showing kindness and compassion for others and keeping physically active.
we then discussed the things that make us happy. We talked about our favourite books, films, activities and food; our favourite things!

Reading Plus

This week some children in Year 1 and 2 have been enjoying trying our new reading platform, ‘Reading Plus.’ The children have gone home covered in stickers for their hard work and they have loved improving their comprehension and vocabulary. Keep it up everyone!

Beautiful Work

We Care Crew – discussing how we respect LGTB community and made a supportive poster! Beautiful home learning from Sreelakshmi, Siyar, Elisa, Kaya, Esme and Lacey. Well done to all superstars working hard in reading and PE! #LovePlover

Pond Habitats 🐸🐟

Yesterday we looked at habitats for fish and amphibians. We made sure our ‘pond habitat’ had fresh, clean, calm water. As well as lilypads, rocks, green leaves, sticks, branches and water plants, along with some sand and soil at the bottom.