Big Talk

Children learnt and reinforced their understanding of keeping safe and knowing the importance of their personal privacy.

Comic Relief Fun in Crew

We told jokes, made a rap and did some silly faces on Friday. Well done to our reading superstars Kaya, Lacey and Weronika. Thank you Peyton and Esme for watering the plants in our Eco-garden! #LovePlover

The Deep 🐠

Here’s a few more pictures from our adventures at the Deep yesterday!


Today half of 1/2K and 1C have had a wonderful day exploring the deep. We have seen lots of exciting things and have taken part in a fantastic workshop called “Save Our Seas”. Our activity leader was very impressed with what the children already knew about the topic.

2P, 1M and half of 1.2K – THE DEEP Tomorrow

Hi all

Just a reminder that all 2P, 1M and eight of 1.2K (Gabriella, Riley, Ella, Lola, Jennifer, Summer, Macey, Bailey) will be going on their school trip tomorrow to The Deep.

Please can all children arrive at school for 8.30am tomorrow please, to ensure children are registered, toileted and ready to leave at 9am on the coach. 

All children must come in school uniform and bring their own packed lunches, unless you have ordered a school packed lunch. 

Thanks for your cooperation, we will have a ‘fin-tastic’ time! 

KS1 Crew