A taste of the new 2P.

It has been great getting to meet the new 2P for next year. We have enjoyed 2 days together where we have explored whether change is a positive or negative thing. It was decided that it could sometimes be both. One child said that change, ‘Was a chance to challenge ourselves to be better’. We shared what made us special and created special stars to show the class. During our active learning, we played a game where we had to focus, listen and watch our classmates. We copied the actions that they were doing to show we were giving them our attention.

Today we explored our aspirations for the future. We shared examples of the jobs we could do when we grew up and enjoyed two expert visitors who taught us all about jobs on cruise ships and in the army. We then created a poster to share what we wanted to be when we grew up. I can’t wait to get the new class back together again in August.
