Today in maths we looked at adding together 3 one digit numbers! For example 3+5+7=. First we looked to see if we could find two numbers to make ten. We used a tens frame to help us! I wonder if anybody can make their own tens frame at home and show their adult how we add together 3 one digit numbers?
Then, in English we began our plan for our final write. Some of us planned out loud by speaking in full sentences. I was super impressed! We are going to be writing a character description about Rosa Parks over the next couple of days.
In P.E we practised dribbling basket balls. We even practiced shooting into the hoop!
Please remind your child that they must put their reading record and book in the box in their class. This is so that Mrs Jobber and Mrs Abbiss can change it on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. If it’s in their bags, it can’t be changed!
Also remember we have our Halloween party on Thursday after school, get those costumes ready and hand in your £2 to me.
Have a peaceful evening!