Wednesday’s lesson
In this lesson, we are going to explore place value using objects. You will use a ten frame to place objects and to help count them. Although children will also explore the use of number cards, this is additional to the objective and the main focus of the learning should be on practising counting and placing objects accurately.
You will need 2 10 frames, 20 counting objects (10 objects the same and 10 other objects the same), number cards.
Start by practicing counting. Can you do 7 jumps? Can you do 15 claps? What else can you count?
Video lesson
Now can you practice counting on from a number. Start from 10 and count to 17.
You could put 10 objects together and then count on 7 more. 1 lot of 10 and 7 is equal to 17.
We will focus on using the 10 frame. 10 frame (this is a resource that can be printed)
Can you create the following on your 10 frame?
1 lot of 10 and 7 is equal to
1 lot of 10 and 5 is equal to
1 lot of 10 and 4 is equal to
If you are green standard, extend your learning by adding 2 more or taking 2 away.
Take photos of your learning and send them on Evidence Me.
Mrs Price