YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE IT! Yesterday, a dragon was in our playground. Did you see the video too? He can be best described (by the children) as having a long, swishy tail, sharp teeth, a spikey back. He was fire-breathing and huge! Some of us were a bit scared at first- what if he came back when we were here? What if he broke anything? Fortunately, we got a letter from him explaining that he lives at Conisborough Castle and it turns out, he is a friendly dragon. (Phew!) So, yesterday was spent searching for signs of him outside. We found footprints, cracks in the floor, marks from where his fire burnt the floor. We were quite the detectives! Lots of us wrote to him and asked if we can go and visit him at his castle. Dolly even found him in one of our story books. It was such an exciting morning to end our ‘hook week’! Mrs Bubb was having so much fun that she didn’t take enough photos to show you what we made. Watch this space next week! X