UKS2 COL & colour run reminder!

A polite reminder about our UKS2 celebration of learning event- Monday 1st July! Children will be participating in a colour run to raise funds for a mental health charity which supports schools by offering in-school counselling for pupils and for XP outdoor equipment. We would LOVE as many parents and carers to join us as possible. You don’t have to run and you don’t have to complete the full laps. One lap would be amazing! It’s £1.50 per participant. Refreshments will be on sale as well as an on the day raffle with all proceeds going to the very worthy causes.

The children are SO excited to share their final product and reflect on the expeditionary learning this term. They have worked so hard and we are so very proud of them. We can not wait to see you all there at 1:45pm

Thank you for your continued support!

-Miss Blackham
