Expert Speaker in LKS2

Today we were so lucky to be joined virtually by Meltem Avcil, a former Doncaster resident and the main subject for the book we have read ‘Meltem’s Journey – A Refugee Diary.’

We have started to think about why people come to Doncaster nowadays and Meltem joined us to share her personal and emotional story of how, as a young child, she fled her homeland to find herself in Doncaster of all places.

Following a time a detention centre, she eventually moved to Cambridge where she now lives.

Her story is one of determination and resilience and she was a real inspiration for the children this afternoon – they couldn’t wait to ask her questions.

For our final piece of writing, the children would really like to learn the stories behind our own school community and what attracts people to Doncaster or what makes people stay – so we would appreciate it if you could support your child, when they come home wanting to ask you questions about where you are from.

Mrs Graves
