Cracking ‘Eggs’periments in 4G

We have moved onto learning about the human body and we are starting with teeth.

We completed a couple of experiments this afternoon to investigate our teeth.

First, we investigated how different substances can affect our teeth. We used eggs to represent our teeth and submerged them in different liquids. We had an egg in water as a control and then we used coffee, cola, orange juice, mouth wash, vinegar and an energy drink. We need to leave the eggs in the liquid for a while to see if there are any changes, but it was interesting to see how the vinegar and the energy drink started fizzy bubbles on the egg shell and foaming straight away, when the water did nothing. It will be interesting to see if our predictions actually happen.

After that, we then looked at how well we clean our teeth. We cleaned our teeth first then used a disclosing tablet to show up any areas we may have missed. We all ended up with bright pink mouths and tongues – but our teeth were beautifully clean!

We look forward to learning more about our amazing bodies.

Mrs Graves
