All money raised will go towards Year 6 leavers hoodies. Please can children order and pay no later than the 3rd October to ensure we have enough bread etc.
-Miss Blackham
Today, year 5 have been practicing their hockey and working on improving their passing skills. They had begun to start defending the ball and they are improving weekly. Well done year 5!
5M had such a lovely morning learning how to defend in hockey. They worked in small groups having a mini game to attack and defend. All children showed progress from last week and did a great job of controlling the ball. Keep it up!
Miss Henderson
5L had a great time this morning perfecting their passing skills in hockey. They used their team building skills to defend and control their balls.
Miss Wood
Pebbles and Jada blew me away with their amazing drafts of their planter designs. They both worked so incredibly hard and earned. 10 crew coins each!
Well done girlies!
-Miss Blackham