The young voices concert is available to stream 

Plover school had an amazing time at young voices last night!
We are going to be looking at fractions and we are starting our week with simplifying fractions!
-Miss Blackham
Here is the Year 6 maths revision site! This is jam packed with lots of videos, past papers and revision tools to support you with your maths SATs papers! Please use this site weekly
-Miss Blackham
Please encourage your children to use our reading revision site. It is packed with useful resources to support your children with their SATs.
-Miss Blackham
6B have been busy leading their own learning. They have been working hard building their background knowledge of the latest expedition.
-Miss Blackham
6B have been working hard investigating ‘how do we know that light travels in straight lines?’
The children worked really hard during their science experiment to answer the scientific question and they have done an awesome job at writing their investigation up!
-Miss Blackham
Well done to these two stars who won the air up competition. They have read every single day and we are so proud of them. The next prizes are two amazon vouchers! So keep reading 5/6!
-Miss Blackham
Please take a look at Nik’s amazing scratch work! He was so inspired by our last case study, he decided to create his own scratch video! What a star!
-Miss Blackham