6B have put the super in star today! They have smashed relative clauses and I can’t wait to see them apply them in their newspaper reports this week!
-Miss Blackham
6B have put the super in star today! They have smashed relative clauses and I can’t wait to see them apply them in their newspaper reports this week!
-Miss Blackham
Well done to this little superstar! She has worked so hard to improve her attendance and the hard work has paid off in her learning as she has improved her arithmetic score by ten marks! I am beyond proud 🥰
-Miss Blackham
6B made pledges this week to improve their arithmetic scores. They partnered up with a coach for some last minute revision this afternoon before the test. I am so impressed with their scores! Every child improved their scores by at least three marks ✨
Total stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️
-Miss Blackham
Here are the long awaited codes for our Spring clubs. Feel free to add the last couple of weeks and any Christmas codes. If you need help logging in or adding Stamp Codes, I am available between 3 and 4 on a Wednesday, in 3H or email me for a password reset at [email protected]
6B have been working hard on mastering the skill of answering three mark questions.They were so resilient today and they absolutely smashed it! I have challenged them to have a go at some of the questions on the reading revision site!
-Miss Blackham
Well done to the Y6 Crews for their reading minutes and quizzing this week! This has meant they have topped the AR league tables this week. Keep reading and quizzing everyone! The league is updated each week and shared during Crew time each Tuesday! #LovePlover
Well done to Angelica, Ester, Anez, Daniel and Ashton who all have posted the most reviews onto their class reading pallet since our last check in. Keep adding your reading at home to the padlet for the chance to win the next exciting prize!
Shout out to our TTRockstar superstars for most improved scores!
Well done!
6B have been working hard today. They have been focusing on finding fractions of an amount!
-Miss Blackham
Y6 had a busy day on Thursday. They have been working so hard on their academic pledges to make sure they can say they have achieved them. Here are some photos of the children leading their own learning during their flex session!
-Miss Blackham