The results will be blogged tomorrow evening with the winners receiving their extra playtime tomorrow !
-Miss Blackham
The results will be blogged tomorrow evening with the winners receiving their extra playtime tomorrow !
-Miss Blackham
These three smashed their first flex session with me! They were amazing at finding percentages of amounts and they were so resilient when questions got tricky!
-Miss Blackham
Pebbles always comes to show me awesome home learning. She really is a superstar!
-Miss Blackham
6B have been desperate to try the new sizzler sweets fruit juices so yesterday we did exactly that as a reward for amazing arithmetic scores! Super proud!
-Miss Blackham
Thomas and Pranav are both shining examples of Plover role models! They are a credit to teach!
-Miss Blackham
I am so proud of these superstars who smashed dividing fractions this afternoon. They all worked so hard and I am so proud of them!
-Miss Blackham
6B were so excited today that they finally got to meet Nibbles and Queenie! They loved spending time with them and hope to see them more throughout the year!
The winner of our accelerated reader challenge is going to bath the guineapigs ! How exciting !
Miss Blackham
Lovely Ameila has been working really hard at home and produced some marvellous maths work. I am so proud !
-Miss Blackham
Year 6 have worked really hard in flex today. They started to look at percentages ahead of next week. They all worked so hard using the model to support them answering the questions. They left the lesson feeling very confident. I am so proud!
-Miss Blackham
I am challenging all year 5&6 classes to a TT rockstars tournament! The class who answers the most questions correctly by 3pm on Friday will win an extra playtime!
Come on 6B!
-Miss Blackham